Video tutorial: Off White UNICO Paintbrush Series
This video tutorial shows the features of the Off White paintbrushes from Unico brush series, and helps you to learn how to use them.
The very tenacious Off White fibre features good water absorbency and is suitable for thick and pasty colours, including techniques where water dilution is not necessary, such as acrylic and oil painting, oil pastels, material gel and thick 3D colours.
Off White Paintbrushes from UNICO Paintbrush Series: features and suggested painting techniques
Unico Off White brushes have very resistant, rigid fibers and a good water absorbency. They are used particularly for the movement of thick and pasty colors, and are recommended for techniques where water dilution is not necessary, for the same reason we can use them on both rough and very absorbent materials, even on walls.
Test of the Off White paintbrushes with acrylic paint, 3D colors and material gel
The Off White brush offers its best performance in techniques with very full, dense, and full-bodied acrylic colors. It can even be used to mix and apply material gel and thick 3D colors.
Test of the Off White paintbrushes with oil paint on canvas
The Unico series Off White brush is ideal for oil techniques, because it moves the color in such a dense and pasty way that it leaves pictorial traces in line with painting traditions, especially Impressionist painting.
Test of the Off White paintbrushes with oil pastels dilution
One dilution technique that can be used with Off White brushes is the dilution of oil pastels with turpentine or mineral turpentine. Off White can move color completely, removing traces of pastels and thereby creating a tonal depth that makes it necessary to sketch the painting on the canvas first.
It doesn't change with the use of solvents or thinners and maintains its exact shape over time.