Artist tips
How to remove glue from the fibres of a new brush?
You’ve probably already “felt” the tip of a new brush which is hard and almost glued. In fact, a brand-new brush needs to be protected during transport in order to keep its original shape when sent to an artist and to do this, water-soluble glues are used.
Soaking the brush in water is the easiest solution to remove all traces of this glue that helps keeping the shape. From 2 hours for the softest fibres, to the whole day for bristle brushes, a nice bath in warm water (not boiling one) melts the water-soluble glue and moisturizes the fibres, both natural and synthetic.
This process is also used on professional shaving brushes, which must be very soft. If a brush is not of high quality, or simply is a brush that is suitable for painting walls or wood, during soaking, it will lose the amount of hair that has not been properly fixed to the ferrule, preserving your work, without finding unpleasant hairs embedded on the painted surface.
After the first bath in water, the shape of the brushes can be protected firstly by avoiding throwing the head protectors away, but above all by using specially created brush protection guard. Borciani and Bonazzi in fact recommend the use of the nylon "brush protection kit", ideal for preserving brushes and maintaining their original shape.
The brush must be inserted starting from the bottom.