
From the collaboration with the Artist, a kit of precise, professional and different synthetic brushes is born, able to cover most of the pictorial gestures performed in hyperrealism.

The kit includes:

Round Masking brush - size 4

It is used to spread the masking liquid, it is performed in most paintings, especially in the first stage.


The green fibre is characterised by elasticity and softness along with a medium release of water.

 Ideal for watercolour, acrylic, gouache and oil in glazes, as well as for fluid colour decorations. 

The round tip is ideal for flexible, full and defined brush strokes, with the definition of details when the tip is used

Round Glazing brush size 5

Mostly used for veiling 


The new technological synthetic fibre that has the same benefits of the Kolinsky Sable natural hair, but with an improved performance in terms of elasticity and resistence.

A perfect mix of two-wave fibres with different diameters and conicity in order to guarantee: 

- an accurate holding of the tip 

- seamless absorbency 

- return in shape 

Round Fine detail brush size 0

Frequently used to paint small details.


dark red-violet synthetic fibre is extremely elastic and tough, being ideal for  precision work with water-based colours and other mediums such as inks, Indian inks, gouaches and enamels. It is characterised by a precise and defined brushstroke, thanks to the strong elasticity of the fibre.

Flat micro brush size 0 

It is used especially to paint the small details of urban landscapes


The new technological synthetic fibre that has the same benefits of the Kolinsky Sable natural hair, but with an improved performance in terms of elasticity and resistence.

A perfect mix of two-wave fibres with different diameters and conicity in order to guarantee: 

- an accurate holding of the tip 

- seamless absorbency 

- return in shape 

1 ergonomic brush handgrip 

Ergonomic brush handgrip with texture to improve handle and not tire the hand joints in long painting sessions. 

The shape of the brush handgrip, that adapts to the handle and its texture, fill the void that is created in the grip between the index finger and the thumb and gives , a very secure grip.

Painting with this style, the artist put a pressure, in the natural vacuum of the hand, that it can sometimes cause pain in the tendons, but this tool that do  not stress the functionality of the hand in its natural pose.»  

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€59.90 (VAT incl.)
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